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Co-Parenting In New Jersey

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Working with your child’s other parent will not always be easy. There is a lot on the line for families and children, and conflict is almost inevitable. Over the years, your relationships will change, and your child’s needs will require adaptation. How you choose to manage conflict will be a vital question.

Your future relationships with your child and co-parent will be vital. Our New Jersey family law lawyers are highly experienced and have the knowledge and capacity to help you find a healthy relationship for your family. Whether you are divorced from your child’s parent or were never married, start your co-parenting relationship from a place of knowledge. Reach our office at  (973) 226-4141.

Our Tips For Working With Your Child’s Other Parent

Your situation and existing relationship with your co-parent will determine what the best tactics for cooperation will be. As you prepare for your future co-parenting relationship, we encourage you to consider the tips below:

  • Be aware of your boundaries. You may not be in a place where you can speak with your co-parent on good terms or where trust is an issue. In these cases, consider steps to manage these needs. Can you use a notebook through a third party to communicate? What accountability measures can you take?
  • Know what matters for your child. Your family has unique priorities. Do you and your co-parent celebrate certain holidays differently? Are you on the same page about medical care and education? Be upfront about what is important for both of you before you discuss logistics.
  • Consider your child’s best interest. Child psychologists agree that stability and strong parental relationships are key for a child’s growth. Approach all issues from the perspective of what will benefit your child, not your personal desires.

You may be able to reach an agreement easily. If not, the court may be your only option. Regardless, you can rely on our firm’s family law attorneys to support you and help you find the best path for your family.

Begin Your Future Today

As you work toward building a strong foundation for your child, whether it is after divorce or you were never married, you can find a resource in our firm. Schedule a free consultation by calling (973) 226-4141 or clicking here to learn more.