When a lack of trust makes divorce inevitable

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Posted By | November 26, 2019 | Articles

A couple’s marriage may fall apart for countless reasons. Sometimes, it becomes evident that the relationship must come to an end immediately, such as when a partner is physically abused by their spouse or they witness some form of abuse that their husband or wife is responsible for in the household. In other instances, a marriage may deteriorate over a period of months or even years, with one party (or both spouses) deciding that the time has come to bring the marriage to an end. For example, a lack of trust may lead to an unsalvageable relationship.

There are a lot of reasons why trust can be destroyed in a marriage. A partner’s affair or repeated lying about their behavior (such as drinking excessively or spending too much money) may cause a marriage to break down. Moreover, a lack of trust can be difficult for those who find themselves facing relentless accusations even if they have not done anything wrong. Sometimes, couples are unable to move beyond these barriers and they come to the conclusion that the marriage cannot be saved.

When a couple struggles with a lack of trust, the divorce process can also become more complex, especially if critical issues such as financial support and child custody are in question. If you have lost all faith in your marital partner, or your spouse constantly accuses you of wrongdoing even though you have not done anything, this should be taken into consideration as you approach the process of getting a divorce. We discuss many other family law concerns on our blog.
