What Can Alimony be Used For?

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Posted By | December 30, 2022 | Firm News

First of all, let’s consider what alimony is. Often, after a divorce, one partner is left with a much reduced financial standing. They may not work or have the opportunity to make as much money as their former partner. Alimony allows the party with less economic means some income.

Five Types of Alimony in New Jersey

Five types of alimony can be awarded in a New Jersey divorce case. Each for different reasons and durations. They are as follows:

  • Temporary alimony sometimes called “pendente lite” alimony, takes place while the divorce is pending.
  • Open-duration alimony is often awarded in marriages that last 20 years or more. This is considered permanent alimony since no termination date is attached to it.
  • Rehabilitative alimony can be awarded to support the spouse who needs financial help while going through an educational program or trying to gain employment so that they may support themselves.
  • Limited duration alimony is sometimes awarded when the marriage was not a lengthy one. The marriage was recognized as a financial partnership with one party needing aid in becoming financially independent after its dissolution.
  • Reimbursement alimony occurs when one partner has worked to support the other partner while pursuing advanced education. The supporting partner did this in anticipation of their partner being able to provide more significant financial support once their education was complete.

Alimony protects the spouse who is at an economic disadvantage from suffering financially after a divorce. Sometimes, they are permanent, sometimes temporary. The circumstances will vary from case to case. Nitti & Nitti, alimony lawyers, can help you fairly settle these matters while you divorce.

How can Alimony be Spent?

Once a divorce takes place, spouses do not control the spending of their former husband or wife. Their finances are no longer intertwined, so they do not have the privilege or the power to control their former spouse’s spending. Alimony, while owed, is not controlled by the person paying it.

It is often spent on things that are needed to continue the life they had before their divorce. Some typical expenditures include:

  • Mortgage or rent payments
  • Second mortgages on vacation or income-generating rental properties
  • Home equity lines
  • Home owner’s association (HOA) fees
  • Utilities such as electricity, water, sewer, and internet
  • Landscaping
  • Home cleaning services
  • Insurance
  • Property taxes
  • Home maintenance
  • Car payments
  • Automobile maintenance
  • Car insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Security monitoring
  • Pest control
  • Groceries

Some expenses are unexpected but are still valid ways to put alimony money to use. Here are a few examples:

  • Clothes and shoes
  • Personal hygiene, including hair, skin, and nailcare
  • Electronics
  • Alcohol and cigarettes
  • Admission to sporting events, concerts, museums, and movies
  • Vacations
  • Charitable contributions
  • Pet care expenses

Further Questions About Spousal Maintenance

Sometimes, the partner paying the alimony may have differing views on how the money is being spent. But, in New Jersey, they are not entitled to dictate how their former partner manages alimony. If you still have questions about spousal maintenance, call Nitti & Nitti, P.C. for answers. Their skilled divorce and particularly alimony knowledge can guide you through this challenging and often frustrating time. Reach out today for a consultation.
