The Right Steps to Take When Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

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Posted By | November 29, 2017 | Articles


If you’ve decided to divorce, taking the right steps to choose a divorce lawyer can support your next steps.

When you choose a divorce lawyer, realize it’s much more than searching online for “divorce lawyers in New Jersey.” Here are some of the right steps to take before you choose your divorce lawyer:

  1. Hire a family law specialist. You should hire a lawyer who specializes in divorce and other family law issues. He or she should have trial experience if you anticipate the need to go to trial.
  2. Hire a collaborative attorney. If you and your former spouse want to avoid the stress and strain of conventional divorce—and you want to consider mediation or collaborative divorce—search for a certified legal specialist in collaborative law.
  3. Hire a family law team. The members of your family law team have different skills that perfectly complement the other team members’ skills.
  4. Find a divorce lawyer who speaks to you in easy-to-understand English. Avoid a lawyer who speaks “legalese” (unless you’re also an attorney).
  5. Interview the divorce attorney to determine if you’re comfortable with him or her. Trust your gut. Realize you’re probably going to reveal lots of personal details about yourself, your former spouse, and the marital union.
  6. Choose a divorce attorney who’s familiar with the family law court judges in Essex County. That knowledge can provide greater insight about who’s most likely to hear the case—and how he or she previously ruled on similar cases. This insight can help the divorce attorney to prepare and present the case as well.
  7. Identify a divorce attorney who puts children’s needs before your own, if you have children. You want an attorney who will help you and your former spouse arrive at reasonable agreements concerning child support and custody.
  8. Consider costs. Although money isn’t everything, you should know that the divorce lawyer you choose has the skills and experience you need at an affordable cost.

Never base your divorce lawyer hiring decision on the attorney’s office environment. Choosing a well-appointed office says little about the divorce attorney’s legal skills. Similarly, don’t surmise that if you pay top dollar to a divorce attorney that his or her skills will meet the needs of your case.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.
